Woodside Doubles Down on U.S., LNG With Tellurian Takeover

1 month ago 48

The woody for Tellurian deepens Woodside’s committedness to the U.S. wherever it bulk owns the Shenzi oil-and-gas field

SYDNEY—Woodside WDS -1.85%decrease; reddish down pointing triangle Energy said it intends to get Tellurian and its projected liquefied earthy state improvement successful the confederate U.S. for astir $900 million, doubling down connected request for a substance utilized successful powerfulness procreation arsenic the satellite pivots distant from coal.

Australia-based Woodside said connected Monday that it has agreed to bargain Tellurian, which owns the planned Driftwood LNG improvement adjacent Lake Charles, Louisiana, for $1.00 per stock successful cash. It said Tellurian’s directors enactment the transaction and that it aims to implicit a woody successful the last 3 months of this year.

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